Welcome to ICRF
Irene Christina Reinking Foundation
Our Story
Irene Christina Reinking Foundation, Non-Profit Organization
Liberia Partnership Mission
Liberia, West Africa is a former American Colony with population of 5.193 million, and is the size
of Tennessee (39-43 thousand square miles). The people are generations of freed slaves who were
transported back to Liberia after being freed in America. They lived in poverty and were further
devastated by a 14 year Civil War beginning in 1989 ending 2003. Most Liberians live today without
safe water and not enough food for even one meal of rice per day. 85% do not have a job. Many of the
men were killed in the civil war, leaving women and children to fend for themselves. EBOLA took
of lives, and many more die from hunger. 68% of Liberians mostly children cannot read. Only 35% of the
children receive any form of education. Teachers are unequipped and untrained to teach. Most of the
schools are unfit for learning. Books are nonexistent in most of Liberia. 85% of all Liberians are
. 35% of the Christians are members of ELCL (Evangelical Lutheran Church of Liberia) that is a partner
church with LCMS. Trinity Lutheran Church, Cedar Rapids has joined in partnership with Faith Lutheran
Church of Liberia. Our focus for assistance is primarily with District #4 Bong County, Liberia West Africa.
This is believed to be the poorest of the poor anywhere.
In February 2013, Harrison Kpartipa, a member of Trinity, approached the Trinity Board of Human Care with
his dream of helping Liberia to help themselves. Harrison lived in Bong County, Liberia until he came to
America in 2003 and became an American citizen in 2009. From that simple BHC meeting God has blessed this
Liberian Mission in ways that no one could ever have envisioned. I, Irene Reinking, volunteered (by the
Grace of God) to go with Harrison to Liberia to interact with the people, visit the churches and schools,
take pictures and bring back the story of their great need to Trinity and anyone else who would listen.
two years later we are still working toward that goal. “WITH MAN THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE BUT WITH GOD ALL THINGS
ARE POSSIBLE.” In November, 2013 the first shipment of 68 boxes packed with mostly donated clothing and
shoes for men, women, children and infants were shipped by the Orphan Grain Train to Liberia. It arrived
there on February 6, 2014 and pictures were sent back to Trinity to show the actual distribution.
Harrison and I traveled to Liberia and spent 3 weeks there in January of 2014. I fast became the minority.
I was overwhelmed by the welcome and acceptance I received. The people waited in line to shake my hand. The
children followed and crowded around me where ever I went. But it was not ME they had anxiously waited for.
It was the HOPE for a better tomorrow that they saw in my presence. The babies did not smile or cry. Adults
did not speak and rarely smiled. They had a sad vacant look in their eyes. Only in Churches with standing
room only did I hear them singing and see them dancing. They know the Joy of the Lord. All through the
Worship service I heard them chanting “GOD IS GOOD! ALL THE TIME! PRAISE THE LORD!!” My culture shock came
when I returned home to Cedar Rapids and walked into my own home. I cried seeing all that I have and knowing
the little or nothing they have. And still they chant “God is good all the time.”
Through the year of 2014 more people joined forces with us both from Trinity and from the surrounding community
and beyond. The Mission expanded mightily and on December 14, 2014 we filled a 40 foot Carton with over 450 boxes
of clothing, shoes, medical supplies, health items, books, bed sheets, school supplies, over 500 soccer balls,
and more. Also bicycles, crutches, chain saws, tools, 16 sewing machines, a saw mill, and a nine passenger Suburban
Van. This shipment arrived in Liberia early March. Harrison is in Liberia at this time and is involved with
distribution of the donations.
We are now planning and gathering for another 40 foot shipping container to be shipped by late July 2015. For this
shipment we will gather items as listed above with focus on clothing, shoes, school supplies and health items such
as bar soap, tooth-brushes, and over the counter medical supplies such as Aspirin, Tylenol, Adhesive tape, Band-Aids,
and etc.. The plan is also to ship a tractor and harrow for working the ground to begin farming operations. Six to 10
people from Trinity and surrounding areas are expecting to go to Liberia late this fall to put these education,
rebuilding and farming operations into practice. This team includes people with expertise in, building, business,
politics, charity, Christian Education, and Teacher Training and Certification. The team is looking at the whole picture
of helping Liberians to help themselves. We heartily give thanks to everyone who has contributed time, talent and
treasure to help make Harrison’s Dream for Liberia possible. Harrison and Irene are available for picture presentations.
or call Harrison Kpartipa at 319-651-8243. We need your prayers and your help to fulfill this mission.
And the King will answer them, “Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.”
Matthew 25:40
Our Causes

Children Education
The Human Rights Measurement Initiative (HRMI) finds that Liberia is fulfilling
only 35.9% of what it should be fulfilling for the right to education based on the
country's level of income. One of our organization's pillars is Education. We take
the necessary measures to ensure that as many children have access to education
throughout their childhood.

Development In Agriculture
Agriculture in Liberia employs more than 70% of the population.
Although agricultural activity occurs in most rural locations, it is still a challenging Lifestyle
with many obstacles. By supporting the communities and farmers of Liberia,
employment is created for families, women and youth and a contribution to food security is realized. This sector
is very important for women as they are widely employed in it in comparison to the economy as a whole.

Healthcare Provision
Liberia has 5,000 full-time or part-time health workers and 51 Liberian doctors to cater to a population of 3.8 million, according to the 2006 health survey. That's the equivalent of one doctor serving about 76,000 civilians. Strengthening and supporting the health sector faces financial problems. The government used only 16.8% of the total health expenditure in the country. Our organization strives to ensure that healthcare is accessible and affordable to all citizens and children regardless of their demographics.
Make an impact.
Save lives.
Humanity & Distribution Gallery
Meet Our Leadership Team

Irene Christina Reinking
Irene was born 5th of nine children. She used to say she was too young to
hang with the older children and too old to be with the younger. She learned much of
her mothering skills by taking care of the four younger children.
The family moved around a lot during her growing up years. Her father Carl Steinbronn,
would buy farms/acreages, fix them up, install electricity and running water, then sell
it, buy another and start the process again.
Irene attended a country school two miles from her home until her high school years
where she attended the Maynard school and graduated in 1955.
Irene loved to sing! She sang for some weddings but mostly at school in choirs, plays,
or at church.
After graduation she taught school grades 1-3 at St. Peters Lutheran Precocial Church For
one year when she married Bernard Reinking. Five children were blessed to this union. Jeffery,
Joan, Brenda, Kent and Quinton. A tragedy hit the family. When Brenda was 6 months old, she did
not survive a car crash.
Needing an income and something to do, she started a pre-school at the St. Peters Lutheran church.
She taught there for a few years before the idea of being a nurse took root in her heart...
Irene C. Reinking, 87, died Friday evening, June 14, 2024, at the Nora Springs Care Center in Nora Springs.
Executive Officers

Harrison Kpartipa

Nowai H. Kpartipa
Executive Director

Wilsee M. Kollie
Deputy Director

Harrison Siakor
Programs Director

Johnson Mator
Communications Director

Jordan Reinking
Board of Directors

Mike Herring
Chairman of Board of Directors

Emmitt Richardson
Board Member

Frank Flomo Carter
Board Member

Garmai Vankpana Kpartipa
Board Member

Joan Arthur
Board Member

Kristy Griffin
Board Member

Gaylon Heetland
Board Member

Lindsay Hute
Board Member

Mekico Mellegan
Board Member

Paul Feldman
Board Member
Liberian Team
Board of Directors
Board of Directors

Rev. Salome Y. Vankpana

Marline T. Jarwoe
jarwoem982@yahoo.com / jarwoemarline6@gmail.com

Sheilkh Sheriff
Senior Secretary General
Email: info@icreinking.org

John T. Torkolon

Stanley B. Sammer

Mark Tom Sulonteh
Country Director

Tracy T. Daniels

Benson John Dwhein
IT Specialist / Secretary

Barwor Quenifamou Jarwoe
Field Officer / Programs Director

Patrick S. Tokpah
Communications Director
Our Esteemed Sponsors
Sponsors List
Mike and Brenda Herring
Gaylon and Rose Heetland
Irene Chrisina Reinking family
Randy and Dana Oxley
Trinity Lutheran Church Tipton, Iowa
Trinity Lutheran Church Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Zion Lutheran Church Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Arthur Lavela family in Iowa City, Iowa
David Segbee family in Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Volunteer Today

Volunteer Today!
Volunteering can provide a healthy boost to your self-confidence, self-esteem, and life satisfaction. You are doing good for others and the community, which provides a natural sense of accomplishment. Your role as a volunteer can also give you a sense of pride and identity. Join us today, and make a difference!
Latest News
December 2024
Building Futures: Harrison Kpartipa's Inspiring Visit to Liberia
Harrison Kpartipa recently visited Liberia to assess the progress of educational initiatives supported by the
Irene Christine Reinking Foundation (ICRF) and to lay the groundwork for a new library construction at a local school.
His visit showcased remarkable advancements through before and after pictures, highlighting the significant improvements
made in a short time, thanks to the dedication of both the ICRF team and the local community.
The students were thrilled to see Kpartipa, who actively engaged with them during his stay.
He stepped into classrooms to teach lessons, enriching their educational experience, and participated in games and sports activities,
fostering joy and connection with the children. His hands-on approach helped bridge the gap between benefactor and beneficiary,
creating lasting memories for the students. In addition to his educational contributions, Kpartipa played a vital role in the
library project by helping stack cement blocks and dig the foundation. His involvement not only advanced construction efforts
but also demonstrated ICRF's commitment to making a tangible difference in the community. Overall, Kpartipa's visit was a powerful
reminder of the impact that dedicated support can have on local education and community development.
December 2024
Library Project Commences!
ICRIS started building a brand new library for the school. Many members of the community and youth helped dig and make preparations for the foundation. Many of the workers sacrificed their free time to help assist with the project. Many of them worked 7 days a week to help ensure speedy and efficient progress.
September 2024
Our Renovations Continue
ICRIS renovations are continuing to progress. The students are happy to be attending a school with a modern design.
September 2024
Renovation Work Continues
ICRIS School renovation work continues. They are close to completing exterior renovations.

July 2024
Graduation Ceremony
ICRIS is happy to announce that Gboawuta Elementary School held its first graduation ceremony in July of 2024.
July 12, 2024
ICRIS Construction Progressing!
ICRIS masons and renovation team are making grate strides during construction of the school.
July 12, 2024
ICRF Founder Receives Award
Harrison Peter Kpartipa, founder of Irene Christina Reinking Foundation (ICRF), received a special recognition award from the Department of Corrections from the state of Iowa.
May 12, 2024
ICRIS Renovation On Track!
ICRIS technitians and renovation team are on schedule for a complete uplift to the school's buildings. ICRIS has now began, electric wiring, door frame installation and some other concrete works.
March 15, 2024
ICRF Goes For A Surprise Visit
ICRF Board members went for a surprise visit to a few local public schools in Bong County Republic of Liberia. The students were excited to once again meet the ICRF Team unexpectadly. ICRF were pleased to witness firsthand the positive impact an improved learing environment had on the children and their communities.
November 12, 2023
ICRIS Renovations Begin in Gboawuta village Republic of Liberia! Students Look Forward to the Next School Year.
ICRIS Board members recently visited the school's project site. They were happy to see that the project was progressing as planned. Most of the students are eagerly waiting for the school to complete construction and look forward to studying in a clean, safe, and healthy environment.
October 21, 2023
The Irene Christina Reinking Foundation executive director Ms. Nowai H. Kpartipa welcomes Ms. Kebeh Sayboi Kollie to the United States
May 14, 2015
After months of waiting and asking for donations, Liberian native, Harrison Kpartipa was finally able to take a trip from his home in Cedar Rapids, and go back to the village where he was born, in Liberia. He was able to take over supplies, including clothes, shoes soccer balls and food. Theyre happy to see me so their thinking that there is a hope, that somebody, somewhere is thinking about them, Kpartipa said. We were able to feed 1,500 kids. That's a huge number and we fed them for two days. However, two days is still not enough. Although he said his village didnt have reports of the Ebola virus, they still werent able to get food or supplies because many countries where they import their food did have people who were sick. Theres some good news: The World Health Organization says Liberia could be declared Ebola-Free on Saturday, if there arent more cases that come up between now and then. But Harrison said his village still needs food, regardless if the Ebola outbreak may be coming to an end in his native country. Harrison said many Liberians lost loved ones and they dont have enough money for food, so theyre going to need help getting back on their feet. There are some kids who lost their parents to Ebola, he said. He plans to head back in November and has a few things on his wish lists to take with him, including clothes, shoes, medicine and more money for food, as well as a wheelchair for one girl he met on his trip, who cant walk. She crawls to school every day, five days a week, if it rains she doesn't go to school, he said. Its now our time to step forward and help. If you would like to donate, you can leave supplies at Trinity Lutheran Church in Cedar Rapids located at 1363 1st Avenue SW or call them at 319-366-1569.
Recent News
June, 2024
July 7, 2023
October 14, 2023
Get In Touch

Harrison Kpartipa
Office Manager & Co-Founder
Eastern Iowa Liberian Association
United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)
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U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)
ICE Airport Security
U.S. Department of Justice
Office of Special Counsel for Unfair Immigration-Related Employment Practices
Executive Office for Immigration Review
U.S. Department of State
Visa Services
Visa Bulletin
Results for the 2004 Diversity Visa Lottery
Schedule of Fees for Consular Services
U.S. Embassy and Consulate Information
Foreign Entry Requirements for Traveling Overseas
Foreign Affairs Manual
U.S. Department of Labor
Employment and Training Administration
Processing Dates for Labor Certification Applications
Office of Workforce Security
Prevailing Wage Information
Employment Standards Administration
Regional and Local Office Information
Dictionary of Occupational Titles
Occupational Outlook Handbook
White House
Office of Management and Budget – Regulatory Matters
Office of Information and Regulatory Matters – Information Collections Under Review
Federal Register
Social Security Administration
Education | Liberia | US Agency for International Development